The best of Donovan 1969

Greatest Hits 1969 (EUA)

Performance (Brasil)

The Pye history 1975 (RU)

This is Donovan

The very best (Brasil)

Hits and more 1989 (RU)

The Classics Live 1991 (EUA)

The collection 1992 (RU)

Donovan (Inglaterra)

Donovan (Portugal)

Sunshine Superman EUA

Greatest hits (CEE)

Sunshine Superman (Espanha)

Old fashion

The best of

The EP collection


18 peace and love songs

Till I see you again

Sunshine Superman (França)


The best of Catch the wind 1996

Golden hits 1996

Universal soldier

Greatest hits acoustic 1997

Mellow 1997

Till I see you again

Cosmic Wheels 1998

Love is hot, truth is molten 1998 (Austrália)

My life (Alemanha)

The very best of

Fairy Tales e Colours (1999)

Atlantis calling (1999)

Isle of a circle (1999)

The very best (Alemanha)

Summer day reflections song

Mellow Yellow

The best of




Rising again

Super hits (2000)

Music time

The essencial
Discografia 1
EPs, Bootlegs e 45rpm |